

(“SAN” – Return “KO” – Go Back and “FA” – Take)

is a term derived from a proverb from the Akan people of West Africa meaning “go back and take”.


(“SAN” – Return “KO” – Go Back and “FA” – Take)

is a term derived from a proverb from the Akan people of West Africa meaning “go back and take”.


At Juna Vagus Virtual Visual Expression Classes, we know that art and the process of deliberate creation is a valuable gateway into expanding consciousness and opening the possibilities of different ways of seeing, feeling, and thinking on a journey to becoming a well-rounded individual. We teach students, young and old, to set intentions in all that they create. We also explore the messages, colour and design patterns, can communicate as we cover many African cultural design subjects in a variety of mediums.

Our creative activism is to promote African cultural and racial pride for the purpose of learning more about each other, and elevating the consciousness on the planet. We work to demonstrate the importance of shaping a culture that celebrates differences.



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